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Gabb on VOA

JAN 08, 2020

Gabb on VOA

Deana Mitchell featured Gabb on VOA on January 7, 2020 with the following story:

Alani Parker, a young mother of two girls, found out that one of her daughters was being inappropriately targeted by an adult man on a social media platform designed for kids. Because of this experience, Alani didn’t want her kids to own their own smartphones, but she still wanted to be able to stay in touch with them throughout the day. That’s when she found Gabb—a cellular network created just for kids. Their phone, the Gabb Z2, looks just like a smartphone, but doesn’t provide access to the internet. Kids can make phone calls, send texts, and use several other kid-friendly apps like a calendar, calculator, camera, and a clock.

Gabb founder, Stephen Dalby, said, “The average high school student is coming home [from school] with almost 5 hours of screen time consumption. [Gabb] has created devices that really are advocates for living life outside of the screen.”

Alani Parker’s daughters were so excited to get their Gabb Phones, but her daughters friends did not feel the same. When Leila (13) told some of her friends about her new phone, they responded, “Wow, that’s just really basic. Your mom must be mean!” Leila, however, knew that her mom got her a Gabb Phone to protect her.

Gabb has made it possible for Alani to stay connected with her kids while unplugging them from outside distractions and threats.

Watch the full story of Gabb on VOA at this link!


  • Bert Miller on Dec 14, 2021 09:40 AM

    I’d like to see more about this for my grandkids

  • Kathy on Jan 28, 2022 02:47 PM

    Do you carry this type of non- internet phone for seniors who aren't internet savvy and don't want the possibility of pushing the wrong button...?

  • Gabb on Mar 21, 2022 11:35 AM

    Thanks for the question, Kathy. We don't have a phone specific to seniors--however, both of our devices are extremely user-friendly.

  • Judie Sedrick on Apr 05, 2022 01:07 PM

    Can I port over the same phone number I currently have?

  • Kelly on Apr 18, 2022 06:21 PM

    Can it use GPS to get places?

  • Gabb on Apr 20, 2022 09:47 AM

    Hi Judie! You can port another number that you had. You can do this by emailing

  • Gabb on Apr 20, 2022 09:55 AM

    Hi Kelly. The GPS tracking works with the phone to keep track of the child it belongs to, we do not currently have GPS maps on the phones but your feedback has been sent to our product team. Thank you for the support!

  • Bee E on Apr 27, 2022 03:40 PM

    Can you download music to it?

  • Gabb on May 02, 2022 02:15 PM

    Hi Bee! You can download music. Here is a link with more information:

  • Tammy on May 07, 2022 07:26 AM

    Beautiful! This is what kids need to get back on track! Kids shouldn’t have all these internet gadgets , the important reason for a phone is to keep in touch with your family or in case of emergency you have help . We are destroying our own kids with all the internet freedom giving them. How Doyou order this?

  • Gabb on May 10, 2022 11:04 AM

    We are so glad that you feel the same way we do. We provide kids with all of the necessities, and none of the stuff they don't need. Calling, texting, GPS tracking and many features to keep them connected and safe. Head to our website to order!

  • Pamela on May 22, 2022 05:34 PM

    This sounds awesome!! Our only concern is if the camera is able to send pictures via text, or email, or any other way? We are okay with a camera for their use only, but don't want them to be able to send pictures or videos at all.

  • Gabb on May 31, 2022 09:29 AM

    Hi Pamela, this is a warranted concern. We offer two phone service plans. One comes with the ability to send pictures via text, the other does not. If that is a concern for you, it may be best to choose the plan that does not allow picture messaging.

  • Ana Garcia on Jun 21, 2022 08:35 AM

    Hi, I was wondering if there was a way to set restrictions on what numbers they can call and text?

  • Gabb on Jun 27, 2022 11:45 AM

    Thank you for your question, Ana. The watch can only communicate with parent-approved contacts (added by the parent on the MyGabb App). The Gabb Phone, however, can have unlimited contacts. Added by the Gabb Phone user natively on their Gabb Phone. If your child does have a Gabb Phone, it is a good idea to periodically check on who the child is communicating with and if it is approved by you.

  • Carol on Jul 19, 2022 07:36 PM

    Even with the cheapest plan that does not allow pictures to be sent via text, the kid is still able to save videos from the computer to their phone. During one of my spot checks I found porn saved on the be vigilant

  • Gabb on Jul 26, 2022 12:10 PM

    Hi Carol, it is an additional cost per month for kids to be able to send and receive picture texts. This is due to software capabilities. Thank you for letting us know about the video saving. We have reported this to our product team so they can continually improve the devices to prevent things like this from happening.

  • Lisa on Sep 18, 2022 02:51 PM

    Can this phone also be used for a challenged adult so that we don't have to worry?

  • Gabb on Sep 19, 2022 04:25 PM

    Hi Lisa, great question. Yes, absolutely. Many adults use the phone based on its' simplicity and they find it has everything they need.

  • Susan on Nov 19, 2022 08:23 PM

    What type of headphones or ear buds work with the phone?

  • Gabb on Nov 22, 2022 05:07 PM

    Hi Susan, any Bluetooth headphones would work!

  • Bradley Frey on Jan 23, 2023 12:35 PM

    Does the phone have Wi-Fi access?

  • Gabb on Jan 24, 2023 04:02 PM

    Hi Bradley, there is WIFI access in order to download any necessary apps for the devices but there is no internet or social media access.

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