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Gabb Days of Giving and #SaveTheKids

Words by
Jana Dalby

NOV 20, 2020

Gabb Days of Giving and #SaveTheKids

As wonderful as the holidays are, they can be awfully stressful. Never has that been more true than in 2020. Families are being forced to make tough choices about how, when, and with whom they should celebrate. Gabb wants to help kids and teens this holiday season by keeping families connected. During its Gabb Days of Giving event, Gabb will give away 2,500 of its Gabb Z2 smartphones. Plus, Gabb will honor Collin Kartchner‘s legacy by contributing $25,000 (which is 10% of the retail cost of those phones) to #SavetheKids.

#SavetheKids is the nonprofit organization founded by the late Collin Kartchner. Collin’s organization fights the harmful influence of social media on teen mental health.

Gabb and #SavetheKids are working to protect teens from the consequences of constant social media access, but staying away from social media shouldn’t mean feeling disconnected from family, especially around the holidays.

The good news is, there are ways to keep your family close while maintaining a safe distance this holiday season:

Pick Up The Phone

Your text-obsessed kids might not believe it, but cell phones can actually call people. Spending an hour chatting with grandpa and grandma would mean much more to them than any “like” ever could. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone, especially to reach older, less digitally savvy family members. 

Send Them a Card

The Post Office is finished getting mail-in ballots delivered. That means they have plenty of time to deliver your holiday wishes to family and friends.

Snap a family photo on your phone and get it printed on a holiday card. Mail a traditional greeting card, perhaps with a gift card inside. 

Do you have more to say than space on the card? Write a good old-fashioned letter to let loved ones know how you’re doing.

Celebrate a Year’s Worth of Memories

Instead of sending a single photo, why not put a bunch of them together in a custom calendar? Deliver it digitally or print and ship it yourself.

Pick photos showing what your family was doing in each month of 2020. Feature a family member on the page of their birth month.

If you’re not keen on a calendar, what about a photo book? You can print these at many big-box retailers and pharmacies, including Walmart and Walgreens. Remember to add a handwritten note for a finishing touch.

Gather ‘Round the Computer

While you don’t want your kids staring at screens all the time, don’t underestimate their connective potential. Use a free video conferencing service like Skype or Zoom to get face time with family and friends.

Remotely eat dinner together. Swap tales like you would if you were physically together. Open each other’s gifts. Or just gather ‘round and give each member of the family some camera time.

Helping You Stay Connected

None of these ideas can replace being able to hug each other. But these days, connecting safely is key. That’s why Gabb is giving away 2,500 kids’ phones.

Gabb Days of Giving is Gabb’s way of giving back to its customers and to an organization that shares its values. On Friday, November 20, 2020, Gabb will present a check for $25,000 to Michelle, executive director of #SavetheKids. Starting 9 a.m. MST Monday, November 23, 200, Gabb will give away 2,500 phones via its website on a first-come, first-served basis. So the first 2,500 people to order a phone on the Gabb site starting at 9 a.m. MST on Monday, November 23, 2020 will get a free phone! There may also be more days of giving in December, so check back often. 

Staying safe from social media and the pandemic is important for teens’ mental health. So is staying connected with family and friends. Don’t choose—do both this holiday season!

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